Tuesday, November 9, 2010

my family twelve times | october

october | at a glance

-- This photo was taken on our impromptu birthday trip to the zoo. Thanks so much, Josh!

-- There’s just something about October. Something so wonderful and comforting and perfect. The weather is so amazing, and the holidays are on their way... It just might be my favorite month of the whole year.

-- This month, our girl turned three. I know I spent another post talking about her day, so I don’t want to go too much into detail here. But it was wonderful celebrating her. Her birthday holds a unique place in my heart because it also marks the anniversary of the beginning of parenthood. Three years down. The rest of my life to go.

-- Caleb said his first word this month. Dada. He’s been babbling for a while, but the other day, I heard Caleb make an excited sound and when I looked over at him, he said “Dada!”. Tim walked right in after that. I think my heart melted.

-- Caleb finally got a tooth! He has one lonely tooth that looks just adorable whenever he opens his mouth.

-- Maggie has started playing with imaginary friends. This isn't something that I did as a child, so it's fascinating to me. It's also just adorable. I'll hear her behind the couch having an elaborate conversation about a game that she's playing... and all with herself. It's so, so sweet.

-- I think October marked my busiest work month this year. It was also a month that left me wanting to go outside with my family instead sitting behind my computer. Add to that two sick kids and one birthday girl. The result? I ended up saying "I'm sorry" much more than "It was my pleasure!". More on this later...

-- My friend Lauren started a style blog awhile ago, and this month I became acquainted and addicted. You can check it out here. Every time I read, I want Lauren to come over and redo my closet!

-- Thanks so much for reading! Caleb turns one this month. What?! More photos of our little man coming soon...


Unknown said...

Ohmygosh - I can't believe you included me in your "my family twelve times" post! Thank you so much :) And anytime you want me to come over, just let me know!! I'm there!

Katie Smith said...

"three years down rest of my life to go"... I say that to myself everyday (except I have a ways to go). i love these posts of yours. your family is adorable. and baby emma above is SO CUTE. she has the cutest button nose.